Montoro atletico de madrid
martínez granada transfermarkt
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montero futbolista
Nacido en Valencia, Montoro procede de la cantera del Valencia CF. Debutó con el primer equipo el 31 de octubre de 2007, jugando diez minutos en la derrota por 1-5 en La Liga contra el Real Madrid, cuando el técnico interino Óscar Fernández sustituía al recién destituido Quique Sánchez Flores;[1] con la posterior llegada de Ronald Koeman y el fichaje en enero de 2008 de Hedwiges Maduro y Éver Banega, tuvo que volver al filial.
En los dos años siguientes, Montoro estuvo mucho tiempo cedido (ambos en segunda división), en el Real Murcia[2] y en el recién ascendido Real Unión[3]. Liberado por los ché en el verano de 2012, siguió compitiendo a ese nivel con el Recreativo de Huelva[4].
nuha granada
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montero besiktas
Ángel Montoro (Valencia, 25/06/1988) is one of the great references of a Granada to which he arrived in 2017 when it was in the Second Division and with which last season reached the quarterfinals of the Europa League, falling to a whole Manchester United. Before visiting Espanyol this Saturday, the Nazarí midfielder talks to Mundo Deportivo about Robert Moreno’s new Granada, which has gone from not winning in the first seven games to four consecutive matches without defeat.
This summer we have undergone many changes. First, and what everyone sees is the coach, but we have also undergone many changes at the level of the board… We have to adapt to the concepts that the coach is asking us, I think that the team is assimilating and we are getting a little better every day.
We are focused on what we do. We have been convinced at all times that by doing what he told us we were going to get the results, in fact they are already coming. We are happy because, at the end of the day, what the player wants is for the work he does to be reflected in victories.